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Jesse Jones

Technische Universität Berlin

Institut für Chemie

FG Modellierung Biomolekularer Systeme

Sekretariat PC 14, Gebäude SE-RH/V
Straße des 17. Juni 135
Room SE-RH 107
10623 Berlin

Jesse Jones, born 1995 in Hanau

2019 Bachelor of Science Biophysik, Goethe Universität Frankfurt

2021 Master of Science Physik, Goethe Universität Frankfurt

Voluntary Educational Work

After years as a student representative working in positions as high as the student body council representative, I have started working as a student assistant at the Hessische Oberstufenschülerakademie, where we teach interested and gifted students about topics in physics that go beyond the scope of what schools can offer. Presently, I lead the physics course for the second time, actively shaping the topics discussed, guiding the students and pupils, and designing the teaching philosophy of the course. The Hessische Oberstufenschülerakademie considers itself a holistic talent program, where students are taught not only in the respective field they specialise in but in several other fields as well, connecting the arts with science to enable growth as a whole person. I also trained underprivileged girls in handball for a while.

My research is focused on the simulation of Cytochrome c Oxidase, especially the Proton Exit Channel, which expels protons via a mechanism unknown to date, without a sensible channel, and without backflow against the overall concentration and electrostatic gradient. Identifying key residues from QM/MM, Classical MD, and constant pH simulations is central to my work.

Maier, A., Jones, J., Sternkopf, S., Friedrich, E., Fournier, C., & Kraft, G. (2021). Radon Adsorption in Charcoal.  Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 18, 9: 4454. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18094454.