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SFB public outreach at the Hessische Oberstufenschülerakademie

The students learned about ultrasound by measuring the distance between their skin and humerus bone.

The students learned about ultrasound by measuring the distance between their skin and humerus bone.

Jesse Jones, a PhD candidate in our integrated graduate school (IGK), volunteered in the annual Hessische Oberstufenschülerakademie in August for his 6th time, this time representing our SFB. 

News from Jan 22, 2024

Alongside 40 pupils and 30+ educators, he and his former university colleague led the physics course, combining their condensed matter expertise to teach solid-state and soft-matter physics to especially talented and curious Hessian high school students. Over a span of 12 days, Jesse taught them biophysics through hands-on activities. For example, they learned about ultrasound by measuring their own skin thickness and nuclear magnetic resonance by measuring the NMR spectra of hydrogen in fat and fluoride in Teflon, techniques used in medical imaging. They also carried out chemical and crystallization experiments, built shoebox spectrometers and microphones with piezo crystals, made ice cream from liquid nitrogen, and more. 

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